Tree Removal Cost

Cost Estimator

(measured at 1m above ground level)
(see descriptions below)
(palm trees incur tipping fees)

The price to remove a tree from a site depends on a huge variety of factors but primarily it can be determined by 3 main considerations:

 - SIZE - How big is the tree – Height, Trunk Diameter

 - DIFFICULTY – Complexity of removal process? – Complex climbing, Safety, Surroundings

 - ACCESS - Access from tree to road where truck is parked.

With over 20 years of experience pricing tree removal jobs Sydney Tree Solutions Pty Ltd has managed to create a simple calculator to give an indication of the cost of removing a single tree. The prices get much cheaper if doing more than 1 tree on the same site.

* In order to use this calculator effectively you need to measure the diameter of your tree correctly and read any descriptions of further categories you may select. This calculator is not accurate at determining trees over 1000mm diameter since there are so many variables so these could vary considerably from onsite quotes that we will provide.

Tree Removal Cost - Tree Crown Reduction, Tree Trunk Removal, Tree Pruning Costs

When calculating tree removal cost in Sydney North Shore we often need to inspect the site to get an accurate idea of the difficulty and any access issues. The difference in tree removal costs between a site with average access and one with very poor access can be 2 or 3 times as much. For example a tree that only costs around $1500 at the front of a property could be around $5000 if it was located at the rear of a property with very poor access. All tree crown reduction costs and tree trunk removal costs are based on how long the job takes generally, the number of staff involved, the type of tree removal equipment involved (i.e cranes etc) and not so much the actual size and volume of the tree removal. The volume of material involved does have a small impact on the tree removal costs in Sydney when large volumes (i.e 20-50 tonnes) of material needs to be disposed of or with certain species of tree due to disposal costs of the mulch. Palm tree removal costs in Sydney North Shore are always considerably more than regular tree removal costs due to the disposal fees involved with recycling the mulch. This is also true for other species of trees such as Coral trees and Camphor Laurels, both of which are not great for general landscaping mulch, unless you just want to make sure no weeds grow in the case of camphor mulch. This difference in tree removal pricing is the reason why the simple calculator above has a separate category for palm tree removal costs. In many cases it can add up to 20% to the overall tree removal costs in Sydney North Shore.

Description of Difficulty rating


 - Tree can be felled, no climbing required, no concern for damage to area underneath the tree.

- Truck/Mulcher can get next to tree or use winch to drag tree to mulcher.


 - Tree needs to be climbed and simple rigging used

- Truck/Mulcher <20m and <10 steps from Tree

- Side access if required >0.9m

DIFFICULT – Any of the following conditions.

 - Truck/Mulcher >20m and >10 steps from tree

- Difficult site i.e Manicured landscaped gardens, over multiple propertries, limited space underneath to dismantle tree

- Side access <0.9m or need to access via the residence.

- Complex climbing techniques required or dead/dangerous/storm damaged tree

** If more than 3 of the following then price likely to be higher again so this calculator likely to be very inaccurate compared with the onsite quote.